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FAQ – Invexport and internationalize in Ukraine

Frequently asked questions on issues of opening a company or branch,

import/export, internationalization and delocalization in Ukraine.

The answers of the International Law Firm for Ukraine LegaGB Law Firm LLC.

Are there any incentives for those who decide to invest in Ukraine?

«The President of the Republic of Ukraine signed on February 12, 2021, a law on state support for investment projects with significant investments. The law in question "On state support for investment projects with significant investments in ​​Ukraine" № 1116-IX.

The law provides state support for Ukrainian and especially foreign investors with a total investment of 20 million euros.

In particular, the possibility of obtaining tax breaks, providing investment projects with related infrastructure, granting the right of pre-emption to the use of state-owned or municipal land for investment projects, consolidating investor guarantees through a direct agreement with the Government of Ukraine. The total amount of state support should not exceed 30% of the investment amount in the project.

According to this law, support will be provided to enterprises operating in the processing, transportation, education, science and science and technology sectors; healthcare, art, culture, sport, tourism and tourism and recreation.

It also provides for the establishment of a special institution authorized by the government that will support investment projects, assist investors from the start of the project and throughout its duration."

I would like to do business in Ukraine with my company, what is the starting point?

«The web is full of proposals, especially for developing states like Ukraine. The advice that should be given is to turn to first-rate professionals with clear direct experience in Ukraine. As mentioned above, on the web there are companies and associations that offer proven systems that will flood the entrepreneur with income. Then, the thing that should be noted, when you go to the contacts of these often enchanting websites, is the only delivery outside Ukraine or in any case in other places, but not in Ukraine. Knowledge of Ukraine cannot be through a third party, it is born and developed in directly experiencing this magnificent state in its daily life, in solving the needs and problems of its clients. An example reported is when a self-styled "Ukraine expert" convinced a non-Ukrainian company to open a low-cost chocolate factory in Ukraine for the domestic market. Money badly spent! After a short time, the factory managed to redevelop only thanks to the intervention of our firm. Ukraine has an excellent confectionery tradition in terms of quality and price. It would be like going to the North Pole to sell ice lollies."

What advantages does Ukraine offer compared to other neighboring states?

«Ukraine itself is a natural outlet market for Made in Italy thanks to its geographical and cultural proximity, it has a strong affinity with the non-Ukrainian business environment and a notable appreciation for foreign know-how.

Ukraine's numbers are evident. Double territory of Ukraine with approximately 78% flat and livable. Presence of raw materials, a high number of inhabitants, access from the sea and important river routes, a constantly growing GDP. Unlike states with small surface areas and few inhabitants, Ukraine, the largest European nation, is not subject to so-called commercial saturation."


What must the consultant who accompanies the non-Ukrainian company in its internationalization in Ukraine guarantee?

«As already said in the first answer, the first quality is professionalism. It - professionalism - clashes energetically with improvisation, therefore, the lack of knowledge of Ukraine, its problems and its prerogatives. Anyone who experiences Ukraine on a professional level is easily identifiable. Availability on site, official contacts with local authorities or those who have an interest in Ukraine, qualifications and specific assignments in Ukraine, these are the requirements that only those who have achieved local visibility can obtain. Certainly, a so-called "unknown to the public" is not named, for example by the relevant Ukrainian national register".  


What needs to be planned for healthy business development in Ukraine?

«Identification of the headquarters in Ukraine with sustainable costs, development of the partnership, strengthened partnerships, obtaining manpower, quality services at affordable prices; find sources of financing, sustainable credit, appreciable raw materials and semi-finished products.

What has just been stated can only be guaranteed by those who experience Ukraine professionally". 


To start internationalization in Ukraine with exports, what are the first steps?

«Once the right professional for Ukraine has been found, this general scheme must be followed:

  1. identification of the sector or sectors in which to focus on your business in Ukraine. As mentioned, it is unthinkable to sell ice lollies at the North Pole. Certainly, for example, in Ukraine there is an appetite for typical non-Ukrainian high fashion, precision engineering, agri-food and wine products.

  2. Once the scope of business development has been defined, it is necessary to decide which user segment to address and which regions. A high fashion manufacturer will have to focus on large cities, like a precision engineering manufacturer on industrial development areas and so on. Ukraine is huge and must be known in its entirety.

  3.  Identification of sales systems (network, representation, contacts, fairs, product launch, etc.).

  4. Opening of a company or a representative office.

  5. Starting with the business in Ukraine".


What is the difference between opening a company under Ukrainian law and a branch in Ukraine?

«A startup is a newly established company, this is useful for those who do not have a significant brand that they can exploit in Ukraine and do not have huge demands on access to bank credit. Conversely, the high-sounding name that aims for example at tenders, bank credit or to preserve some peculiarities of the company also in Ukraine, such as international prestige, is obviously recommended to open a branch".


Why invest in Ukraine?

«It would be enough to call backthe specific presentation of Ukraine. But there's more. In short, the geography of Europe dictates that we can only go east. Westthere is the Ocean. In the north, except for some very specific sectors, the situation in terms of exports does not change, so the outlet to the east remains. Ukraine is certainly the leading state in Eastern Europe, not only due to its proximity and possibilities. Ukraine is close to joining NATO and guarantees lasting stability."


We were talking about access to bank credit, what are the indications?

«This firm is in direct contact with the main bank of Ukraine, PrivatBank. We know that a giant, even if apparently more elephantine, gives certainties and guarantees that a second-tier bank cannot by its nature grant.

Generally, access to credit in Ukraine, with the appropriate guarantees, is easier to obtain than, for example, in Europe.

Obviously, these FAQs have a primary information purpose, an analytical and professional screening of the company cannot be ignored."


Is the tax system advantageous in Ukraine?

«The answer is yes, certainly! In the early years of the company there are indisputable advantages that would be impossible to explain in this context. Even later, after years of activity, the reliefs are real and important for those who invest in Ukraine.

In generalthe specific presentation of Ukraine gives a first valid smattering."


Is there a possibility of working with the public administration?

«In Ukraine, all the main infrastructures need to be adapted and restored. Merely by way of example, the road interventions to be implemented only for the year 2021 are reported. The program involves the reconstruction of motorway sections for 6800 km. In particular, from 2021, in Ukraine, with the UA Road 2021 programme, the motorway sections must be restored: Kharkiv/Dinipro/Zaporizhzhia, 276 km; Boryspil/Poltava, 292 km; Kherson/Mikolaiv, 64 km; Kyiv/Zhytomyr/Rivne, 308 km; Yagoyn/Kovel/Tutsk, 146 km; Dnipro/Kryvyi Rhi/Mycolaiv, 312 km. To better understand, we recommend the appropriate page on this Site».



For anything not reported here regarding imports and exports with Ukraine, we recommend reading the specific pages on the Site.

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