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International legal consultancy and assistance company Legalgb Law Firm LLC for Ukraine.

Law firm for foreigners in Ukraine. 

The authority of themkings actually present in Ukraine!

Law firm for foreigners in Ukraine.

LegalGB Law Firm LLC operates exclusively for foreigners in Ukraine. Theforeign Italians, EU citizens, Americans or anyone foreign can count on the experience in the international sector of this consultancy. 

LegalGB Law Firm LLC, a joint-stock company under Ukrainian law, operates in Ukraine and is led by the lawyer. Graziano BENEDETTO, the first Italian lawyer to have obtained authorization to practice law in Ukraine. 

LegalGB Law FirmLLC to ensure maximum professionalism it is divided into two sections, with professionals who operate as experts in their sector: "Civil and Family Law in Ukraine" and  "Business Services in Ukraine".   

The members of LegalGB Law Firm LLC for Ukraine represent the result of a long selection of truly qualified and authorized professionals in Ukraine, who have demonstrated that they can be an integral part of a stable first-class reality;

LegalGB Law FirmLLC was founded in 2003 and has been practicing exclusively and professionally in Ukraine since 2016. Since 2018 the director has been officially recognized and authorized to practice the profession of lawyer in Ukraine; 

LegalGB Law FirmLLC guarantees a staff of professionals in Ukraine, lawyers, technicians and expert consultants authorized by law who practice in a sectoral and not generalist manner;

LegalGB Law FirmLLC is a stable reality of undisputed comcompetence, with fixed professionals, therefore tested by continuous collaboration, who practice exclusively on problems of Europeans, Italians, Americans and foreigners in general with Ukraine, in the legal, commercial, logistical and technical sectors with foreign lawyers qualified in Ukraine, Ukrainians, Italian Moldovans , accountants, consultants and experts.

LegalGB Law FirmLLCis independent by any foreign and domestic contractor, political, administrative, industrial or representative group, representing exclusively the interests of clients, with the sole objective of satisfying their expectations and reliable, in order to provide excellent professional services, carrying out any type of service in Ukraine, according to customer expectations and within budget; toreliable, in order to ensure the best results imaginable at any stage and in any type of service and consultancy in Ukraine.

With the company LegalGB Law Firm LLC, lawyers and professionals who speak Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, English, Spanish, Romanian and German on a professional and legal level collaborate in Ukraine.  

Our numbers in Ukraine.

700, approximately, consultancy and assistance activities in Ukraine, of which: 

companies opened in Ukraine

banking relationships established in Ukraine 

company with accounting services in Ukraine  

permanent customs services in Ukraine 

public and private procurement in Ukraine

participations in investments in renewable energy in Ukraine 

real estate sales contracts in Ukraine 

recognitions of foreign judgments in Ukraine 

European funding obtained in Ukraine 

debt collection in Ukraine

due diligence and anti-fraud services in Ukraine

trademark protection in Ukraine 

weddings in Ukraine

marriage contracts in Ukraine 

divorces in Ukraine 

adoptions in Ukraine 

international child abductions in Ukraine 

criminal trials in Ukraine 

establishment of association in Ukraine

insurance debt collections in Ukraine

domiciliations in Ukraine

The firm operates directly on Ukrainian territory, does not delegate third parties for its activities and can be summarized:

  • civil law in Ukraine

  • labor law in Ukraine

  • commercial law in Ukraine 

  • procurement law in Ukraine

  • criminal law in Ukraine

  • family law (marriages, prenuptial or ongoing marriage agreements, separations and divorces)

  • adoption law  in Ukraine

  • customs law in Ukraine

  • law and consultancy in reconstruction in Ukraine 

  • corporate law in Ukraine

  • establishment of institutions, companies and businesses in Ukraine

  • M&A in Ukraine

  • environmental law in Ukraine

  • tax law,  tax and comparative law in Ukraine

  • real estate law in Ukraine

  • energy law and support of alternative energy projects with related search for financial sources in Ukraine

  • consultancy and support in the competition for the award of public and private contracts in Ukraine 

  • business associations, including the search for partnerships for the execution of projects in Ukraine 

  • national and international litigation and arbitration in Ukraine 

  • creation and organization of events in Ukraine

  • third sector organization in Ukraine

  • granting, purchase and transfer of licenses in Ukraine

  • debt collection from accidents and insurance  in Ukraine

  • international contractsin Ukraine

  • legal representation in criminal and criminal tax matters and enforcement proceedingsin Ukraine

Reconstruction in Ukraine with LegalGB Law Firm LLC services.

It is a hurricane of words that emerges when it comes to rebuilding Ukraine. Almost everyone has posed the problem of achieving the goal of entering the Ukrainian procurement business, of the much-discussed reconstruction in Ukraine. And there is no point in denying it, a lot of funds will arrive for procurement in Ukraine, for Ukrainian reconstruction, for what from now, at least ten years from now, will be the largest global business since 1946, when the United States flooded several European countries with dollars, including Italy, to restart them in the post-war period. Today is Ukraine's moment, with the reconstruction of everything that has been destroyed or is no longer adequate, especially for a State that aspires to become a community in the short term.

On the one hand there is Ukraine to be rebuilt, with all its obvious needs, on the other there are Italian and EU companies, which are experiencing a moment of crisis such as not to allow them to overlook what, perhaps, for many , it's the last chance.

Having made the brief introduction, given that in this historical moment, too many talk about Ukraine, but few are actually present on site, and therefore have a perfect knowledge of Ukraine and its specific skills, the main question is: who can you confidently turn to to enter the procurement and supply business in reconstruction in Ukraine?

The reconstruction business in Ukraine will be divided into different sectors and categories. Having removed the category of macro contracts destined by size to multinationals, which will be entrusted at an intergovernmental level, there is the market in Ukraine of the so-called medium contracts with the related supplies.  The world of medium supply and contracting in Ukraine is notoriously the most attractive and with the highest yield for small and medium-sized businesses. And, for this category of work, only professionalism truly present in Ukraine can lead to concrete and tangible results. The average Ukrainian contract is the one that is identified on site in Ukraine, with direct contact, often proposed by the administration with stringent deadlines for competing, but with very advantageous margins and absence of risks. 

As history teaches, when situations such as that of reconstruction in Ukraine arise, the most varied figures burst onto the market, often improvised and not always "guaranteed...", especially at the moment of realization.

As far as the LegalGB Law Firm is concerned, let's simply say what we are.

First of all, this firm is actually present in Ukraine, where it carries out its businessfor years, in favor of Italian, EU and American individuals and foreign companies. Nothing improvised, but real foreign professionals in Ukraine.

Since the reconstruction business emerged in Ukraine, the LegalGB firm has been inundated with proposals for assignments, collaborations and partnerships from various foreign companies, including famous ones. Invitations promptly disregarded, precisely to avoid losing their historic independence and to avoid extending the supply chain excessively. By the way, the direct relationship with the Italian, EU or American foreign assisted company without intermediaries is the policy of LegalGB, both in general and in the context of reconstruction in Ukraine. All this to protect the Italian, EU or American foreign company that wants to obtain contracts and orders for reconstruction in Ukraine and not limit itself to collecting the crumbs of subcontracts at the lowest price, which often lead to disastrous results.

LegalGB Law Firm is truly present in Ukraine, with direct contacts on site and with both public and private clients. The same applies to the search for the right tender or the commission related to the real potential of the client, starting from the supplier, passing through the search for manpower, resources and resolution of bureaucracy, taxation and needs in Ukraine.

Why choose us for consultancy and assistance in reconstruction in Ukraine.

 LegalGB Law Firm LLC for Ukraine is a team of Italian, Ukrainian, German and American professionals who have been working for years exclusively on foreign/Ukrainian matters and vice versa. Nothing improvised to take advantage of the moment in the reconstruction business in Ukraine.


LegalGB Law Firm LLC is really present in Ukraine.Whoreally there is, there is. Those who are not there leave room for others.This also applies to reconstruction in Ukraine.


The actual presence in Ukraine allows us to follow the objective closely. Every moment is the right one in which a problem, a need, a request can emerge to decide the final result of obtaining the contract, order, etc.

Regarding the reconstruction in Ukraine, if you are really there, at the right time, opportunities come. We cannot and must rely on extemporaneous and improvised situations.


 LegalGB Law Firm LLC acquires clients exclusively by sector, size and geographical area.  It does not create homogeneous groups that form internal competition within the group itself.


LegalGB Law Firm LLC effectively operates in the reconstruction sector in Ukraine.  

 Agencies, trade associations and industry groups can assist with strategy, give input and perhaps some advice. In practice, only those who are actually present in Ukraine, live it in its entirety, even in the provinces and, not limited only to the capital and large cities, can act directly towards that possible public or private contractor or client, inquiring on site, visiting them several times to understand the requests and needs, advising him, convincing him, discovering the various needs.


LegalGB Law Firm LLC knows Ukraine because it is Ukrainian.

LegalGB Law Firm LLC assists in tenders with the ProZorro system. Let's be clear, in Ukraine the tender system is the only system for trying to win contracts. 

What are the real risks in reconstruction in Ukraine?

Before expressing the answer, it is necessary to reiterate that we need to collaborate with those who are really present in Ukraine. Because whoever really exists is there. Those who aren't there leave room for others.This concept applies in many areas, including reconstruction in Ukraine.   

Therefore, the first problem to avoid is being left alone in a foreign state with a precarious situation such as the post-war period. And the only way to avoid the problem is to rely on those who actually live in Ukraine.

Too often we get excited talking about contracts in Ukraine worth hundreds of millions. All beautiful and exciting. But in reality the situations are very different for those who do not have unlimited protection, support and financing, such as state-owned and multinational companies. Nationalized companies do not need a budget, there are the reference States that advance enormous and non-repayable sums. The big companies can also go into default, there is no problem, the state fund makes up for any deficit with ad hoc interventions. On the contrary, it is the SMEs that must, before, during and after, have the right consultant in Ukraine  for every need. SMEs risk being left to fend for themselves, especially with uncontrolled expenses and unexpected situations, if they do not have stable and concrete guidance at their side. The reference cannot be far away, if not even outside Ukraine. When the entrepreneur, hundreds of kilometers from Kiev, is on site with materials, means and personnel, who will really assist him? A guide is safe if he knows his terrain like the back of his hand, has the right skills and above all is concretely available. Once the contracts have been obtained through the ProZorro system, it is clear that they will not be carried out in the center of the capital, with references, institutions and consulates easily reachable. The interventions will most likely be requested and carried out in the deep heart of Ukraine. The classic example is SMEs under 200 employees, which in Ukraine must follow up on contracts in internal cities of the Ukrainian province. Who follows company logistics, permits, accounting, worker regularization and supplies? Furthermore, in case of need, who can replace specialized manpower, find supplies at competitive prices, who can you contact and with what guarantees? Furthermore, if something happens, how to manage the unexpected that arises daily both in work and in personnel management. Who helps the company resolve these problems? The examples, to continue, are numerous. We could still talk about inspections, banking problems, transfer of collection funds, customs law, taxation, the need to communicate with clients in the local language, up to disputes and so on. These are the situations that lead the entrepreneur to give up because "there are too many problems". Those who have experience abroad are well aware that they do not have domestic protection with them. LegalGB Law Firm LLC can answer all these problems. No one will be left alone in the reconstruction business in Ukraine.








For information and services in Ukraine



Street Velyka Zhytomyrska - Str. 33, office. 310,Kiev (UA), at the Headquarters of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine

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© 2021 LegalGB Law Firm LLC - director Graziano Benedetto 

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