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Anti-fraud and anti-fraud services in business, sales and investments with Ukraine.

Global collaboration and verification  against scams and frauds in buying and selling  in Ukraine.

It should be noted that Ukraine is a harbinger of commercial opportunities not to be missed due to simple fear and mistrust. On the one hand, trade with Ukraine is certainly riskier than internal trade, on the other it should not be excluded due to the usual preconceptions, being very convenient from an economic and qualitative point of view.

In order not to give up a priori the immense import/export possibilities that Ukraine offers, there is the Ukraine anti-fraud and fraud protection service, scammer, scam, unpaid or scam, applicable in every area of relations with third parties, of any kind nature, in Ukraine.

This protection service can be used to avoid commercial scams in the field of business, import/export, real estate investment, sales of any type of goods and services with Ukraine and, last but not least, also the verification of conditions personal (such as in the context of a promise of marriage and the like). The due diligence, which complements and is part of the service, alone, even if carried out in a professional manner, fails to  never to be as penetrating as the global service of the LegalGB Law Firm against fraud in Ukraine.  

For the protection of its clients, in order to prevent any misunderstanding and risk with Ukraine, the Firm follows the entire commercial process in the completion of the import/export, business, sale or personal assessment, with the following phases :

1)           direct contact with the counterparty: to verify the requirements and reliability and/or access to the properties subject to negotiation or to the places of production of the material. Contacts with other customers of the same company, banks, local chamber of commerce, checks in court of any pending matters and disputes.

 All with direct visits to the headquarters in Ukraine, to understand the commercial, production, supply and life reality;

2)           in purchases: sales sampling to be compared with the outcome of sending to the customer;

3)           when stipulating the contract: escape clauses and deferred payments via Ukrainian bank guarantees. In the event that the customer wishes to attend, he will be supported by an Italian/Ukrainian-Russian translator;

4)           personal presence and supervision in Ukraine in the production, packaging and transport phase, until the goods are physically obtained from the customer with quality assurance;

5)           possible protection in post-sale disputes and disputes.

In the outsourcing/outsourcing management of purchase and sale processes abroad, such as with Ukraine, there are no protections that, for example, exist in the disbursement of mortgages or loans on behalf of banks and financial companies. CRIF BPO carries out a series of of registry and income checks aimed at reducing fraud. Therefore, after years of experience, the international law firm for Ukraine "LegalGB Law Firm" has developed a guarantee and protection system for its clients. The lawyer Graziano BENEDETTO, founder of the firm, understood the need for direct supervision, personally going to the other commercial part to concretely test its correctness and reliability. An ancient proverb states:the master's eye fattens the horse. In other words, upon assignment of the client, the firm equipped with adequate power of attorney with or without representation depending on the case, goes directly to the Ukrainian seller or buyer to verify its genuineness in all its aspects and to implement all the precautions above described.  

The objective of the fraud and scam verification service of the "LegalGB Law Firm" firm is to reduce "to the maximum" the risks deriving from imports and exports with Ukraine. This consists not only in evaluating all the available documentation, even in the official registers, to carry out the necessary investigations and return to the customer an outcome that identifies the possible fraudulent records. Furthermore, the checks are carried out directly and personally based on the experience achieved and on the indication of the client by directly viewing the commercial counterpart.

Very often, due diligence or asset investigations are exclusively aimed at identifying personal data and income documentation that is indicative of a reliable subject and the formal correctness of the documentation. It seems very clear that such research, especially in an international context, cannot provide the certainty of results that direct contact with the other contracting party provides.

The internet pages are crowded with headlines about online scams, commercial scams and personal qualities.  We read in the news pages from the scams of the seller of non-existent vehicles to fake puppies, to sentimental scammers, of sellers of pellets at incredible prices, of adulterated processed and semi-finished agricultural products, false policies, poor quality ferrous material, non-existent properties, phantom contracts, counterfeit or poor quality chemical products and the most varied scams. Too often, bewitching websites together with flashy offices (often rented by the hour, as well as for large-engined cars and numerous secretariats), lead one to believe that proposals are actually well founded and which over time prove to be unfounded. Equally, it often happens that after sending a sample, the delivery of goods is greatly inferior to expectations, not only in terms of quantity.

The checks carried out by this firm, thanks to its real presence in Ukraine, are designed ad hoc, investigations are often also used and accesses are carried out to prevent the counterparty from organizing themselves to conceal their reality. We do not neglect to contact local people and institutions in order to acquire disinterested information. Furthermore, considering the fact that the firm is accredited in banks and chambers of commerce, targeted and truthful controls and access are possible. 

Anti-fraud checks can be distinguished from the main due diligence, census or investigation process and give complete certainty to the customer. In this way, those interested in concluding business with Ukraine rely on a highly specialized company such as "LegalGB Law Firm", employing their internal resources in other activities more focused on Ukrainian business.






For information and services in Ukraine



Street Velyka Zhytomyrska - Str. 33, office. 310,Kiev (UA), at the Headquarters of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine

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