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Business internationalization in Ukraine.

Marketing office for Ukraine.

Export management service with Ukraine.

Starting and running businesses in Ukraine.

Internationalization in Ukraine is the means by which companies present themselves on the Ukrainian market, creating relationships with companies, end users and institutions operating in the area, with the aim of selling, producing, purchasing raw materials, semi-finished, finished products, or finding new financial sources.  It seems clear that the company needs to be guided by solid and professional realities in Ukraine, if they intend to internationalize here. 

Internationalizing the company in Ukraine means that the company interacts with the Ukrainian market in the following ways:

– sells its products in Ukraine,

– buy from Ukrainian suppliers,

– produces in Ukraine,

– find sources of financing to and from Ukraine,

– forms alliances with Ukrainian partners.

Reasons to invest in Ukraine.

World Bank improves forecast for Ukraine's GDP growth: The World Bank has improved its forecast for Ukraine's gross domestic product growth in 2022 and 2023. A recent World Bank review shows that the forecast for Ukraine's economic growth this year has risen to 3, 2%, or 0.1% more than in June 2021 forecast.Official document "Global Economic Prospects;

Results-2021: key results of the Ukrainian economy. Ukraine ended the year with record GDP of nearly $200 billion, more than $5 billion in foreign direct investment and export growth. Thanks to the government's anti-crisis and rescue programs, the economy is actively recovering, resulting in improved well-being of Ukrainian citizens and social support from the state.

Ukraine's exports exceeded $68 billion last year.

In 2021, Ukrainian goods exports reached a record $68.24 billion, the highest figure since 2012.”Such export results are of great importance for the budget of Ukraine. When Ukrainian producers sell their goods abroad, we receive an inflow of foreign currency, which allows us to finance import costs without destabilizing the foreign exchange market and accumulate international reserves to strengthen the stability of the economy. Furthermore, additional export earnings increase budget revenues and, consequently, opportunities for financing social expenditures and development programs", said the First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy of Ukraine

In 2021, Ukrainian goods exports reached a record $68.24 billion, the highest figure since 2012.

As the press service of the Ministry of Economy informs, Ukraine had similar figures in 2011 ($68.39 billion) and 2012 ($68.81 billion).

In 2021, the turnover of goods in Ukraine was $141.54 billion, up 36.71% compared to 2020. The value of exported goods in absolute terms increased by $19.05 billion.

Recall that exports of goods in 2020 decreased by 1.7% ($862.8 million) compared to 2019 and reached $49.2 billion.



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Internationalization of sales in Ukraine.

International business consultancy of the international law firm for Ukraine legalgb law firm LLC,  allows you to understand what the strengths are and the steps to take to establish the most profitable connection with the Ukrainian market, first verifying what steps need to be taken to make a  product that can be internationalized and what its potential is with reference to both the commercial aspects and product appeal but also with reference to the juridical-legal aspects of Ukraine.

 Our consultancy establishes with the most advanced economic intelligence methodologies and through a widespread information network in Ukraine, which are the best target markets for products or services to implement the right internationalization strategy for sales in Ukraine.

​The Office for Marketing and Internationalization for Ukraine has the following purposes:

  1. act in a simple and concrete way.

Those who turn to this international law firm for Ukraine legalgb law firm LLC have needs relating to business in Ukraine and want to implement their turnover in a healthy manner. Obviously, the client does not need mere knowledge, which in some cases takes the form of simply providing the names of potential clients. The legalgb law firm for Ukraine LLC helps the client to enter the Ukrainian business from sales, protection against fraud, to assistance up to collection, implementation of customers and therefore invoicing.

  2. Solve the problem directly and promptly.

As already mentioned, the international law firm for Ukraine legalgb law firm LLC acts directly to resolve the problem, it does not limit itself to giving information or simple indications. If necessary, our professionals go directly on site for any eventuality and act concretely.

  3. Bring concrete results.

The international law firm for Ukraine legalgb law firm LLC does not have the objective of offering impromptu consultancy in the business sector with Ukraine. The international law firm for Ukraine legalgb law firm LLC bets on valid projects and wants to grow with them. Results have always been the strength of the international law firm for Ukraine legalgb law firm LLC.

International Marketing in Ukraine.

In periods of stagnation or contraction in demand and strong competition, it is increasingly essential to identify and exploit development opportunities abroad in fast-growing countries such as Ukraine.

Each market presents its own peculiarities with risks and opportunities for the company that approaches internationalization, therefore, it is necessary to turn to specific experts of that State. Likewise, the methods of approaching foreign markets must be different and depend on the objectives that the company sets for that individual state and on the role that international activity in Ukraine as a whole plays in the general strategy.

Internationalization of supplies in Ukraine.

The need for production internationalization pushes many companies to look to markets such as Ukraine to source components and raw materials to use in their production cycle. The optimization and reduction of costs during the acquisition of raw materials and semi-finished products undoubtedly represent the main reason why companies seek suppliers in Ukraine. The globalization of the value chain has in fact opened up the possibility of relating to more operators in Ukraine capable of supplying components with quality-price ratios such as to maintain the characteristics of the final product unchanged, making it identical to the "original".


The firm, with the acquisition within it of first-level professionals in the field of export management and with the stable synergy with Confindustria Ukraine, the Poltava Chamber of Commerce and Industry and ESIEO, represents a competent reality in the sector in Ukraine.


In order to provide an accurate service, the international law firm for Ukraine "legalgb law firm" has or has undertaken stable collaborations exclusively for Ukraine:


a manager for exports with Ukraine,


an expert in obtaining community contributions and funding,


a Бухгалтер  (accountant),


an Экономист  (chartered accountant/tax advisor),


one of Ukraine's leading experts on banking law and procedure,


has stipulated an agreement with PrivatBank to support its clients,


an expert in international financing,


an expert in Ukrainian business and customs law,


a Брокер (person authorized to certify and pass goods at the border for import export to Ukraine).


All the figures indicated are authorized according to Ukrainian laws in order to facilitate commercial import and export with Ukraine.  


Internationalization in Ukraine for the business of the future, because:


​1)new markets, therefore new customers and greater turnover; 2) advantageous tax regime and fast judicial system in terms of commercial law; 3)greater revenue, therefore growth and, with it, there is an increase in the value and competitiveness of the company towards the market, competitors, banks and suppliers; 4) overcoming the problems linked to the internal Italian and community structural crisis.


​International law firm for Ukraine legalgb law firm, with its own "marketing office for Ukraine, offers services to entrepreneurs who have a business idea for Ukraine, a project in the development phase start-up, an activity or want to implement, vary, multiply, diversify an already existing business, guarantees:


insertion logistics (or entry logistics),  (legal, accountants, consultants, experts, plant engineers, search for commercial, industrial, residential premises, warehouses, machinery, vehicles, suppliers, internal and external assistants, simple and specialized workers, sellers;


​industrial logistics (or business logistics), the physical, informational and organizational management of the flow of products from supply sources to end customers;


large volume logistics (or bulk logistics);


project logistics (or project logistics), which concerns the management and coordination of the design and construction operations of complex systems;


support logistics (or RAM logistics), which concerns the management of high-tech products for which reliability, availability and maintainability are essential;


return logistics or reverse logistics, which is the process of planning, implementation and control of the efficiency of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and related information flows.


Business internationalization is the process of insertion into the new foreign market, of learning and organizational growth that must pass through all levels of the company, changing it over time and increasing the value perceived by customers in extra-national markets, making the company, in fact, an international reality.


In a global economy, the ability to compete on an international scale is fundamental to the success of the company.


The international firm for Ukraine LegalGB Law Firm, in the export management activity, concretely supports and accompanies the entrepreneur who wants to do business in Ukraine step by step, with concrete solutions for:


•            the implementation of company logistics;


•           support the entrepreneur in the processes and dynamics related to business internationalization, in particular with regard to contracts, international payments, shipping, customs and every need in Ukraine;


•           assist, thanks to in-depth direct knowledge of Ukraine, companies in the commercial and marketing function in Ukraine;


•           assists in the setting up and "technical-operational" management of commercial operations with Ukraine;


•           carry out market analyzes by carefully evaluating data and sources of direct information in Ukraine;


•           procure and prepare a sales network and sellers;


•           support company management in the identification and subsequent development of commercial channels and market opportunities in Ukraine;


•           develop international exchange strategies with Ukraine;


•           organize and effectively manage marketing plans for products or product lines in Ukraine;


•           establish relationships with customers, identifying their needs and helping to identify the most suitable products and/or services, following risk assessment including due diligence and anti-fraud services in Ukraine;


•           use financial instruments and seek financing and access to credit for international development to support commercial exchange initiatives in Ukraine;


•           implement an integrated communication plan, aimed at supporting marketing strategies and consolidating the corporate image in Ukraine;


•           guarantee access to subsidized contributions, European financing and bank credit in Ukraine, through the largest Ukrainian credit institution;


•           assist with a comparative and integrated accounting support service for Ukraine.

The firm, in addition to the above, offers "export management" assistance in the import and export and customs clearance of Italian products, for entrepreneurs who  carry out the activity or aspire to do so with Ukraine; constantly monitors all the changes made to the legislation of both countries, making buying and selling with Ukraine a safe, harmonious, streamlined and protected practice.

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For information and services in Ukraine



Street Velyka Zhytomyrska - Str. 33, office. 310,Kiev (UA), at the Headquarters of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine

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