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Consultancy and assistance for the purchase, sale and export of products in Ukraine.

The "International law firm for Ukraine LegalGB Law Firm LLC", thanks to its long stay and experience in Ukraine, assists foreign companies, especially Italian ones, in the export of products to Ukraine.

To date, the main problem encountered in Italian companies intending to export to Ukraine is the reliability of the purchasing entity. Another problem is often having to advance large expenses without guarantees of results.

Having said this, the "International law firm for Ukraine LegalGB Law Firm LLC" will relaunch the consultancy and assistance service for Italian products in Ukraine from 2023.

Italian companies interested in producing or selling products with a good quality/price ratio, which intend to focus on the Ukrainian market, can contact this consultancy.

To date, with the westernization of Ukraine, there has been an alignment of prices with Europe. This means that there is no longer a price gap between local and foreign products in Ukraine, making the latter more attractive for higher quality and, therefore, easier to sell.

LegalGB Law Firm operates as a company that facilitates the import of foreign products into Ukraine.

Import and export free trade zone with Ukraine.

The European Union and Ukraine have been provisionally implementing a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) since January 2016 that reduces the tariffs European companies face when exporting to Ukraine.

The agreement facilitates trade by making customs procedures more efficient and gradually approximating Ukrainian legislation, rules and procedures, including standards, to those of the European Union

Advantages for foreign business in Ukraine.

The Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine makes it easier and more accessible for foreign companies to import from Ukraine and export to Ukraine and introduces a series of advantages for businesses, such as the elimination of tariffs and Efficient and rapid facilitation of traffic through customs at international borders.

Italy is one of Ukraine's largest trading partners, which means there are several opportunities to import and export from the EU to Ukraine and vice versa. The main export goods are raw materials such as iron, steel, mining products, agricultural products, machinery and chemicals. Ukraine is currently working to streamline policies that benefit small businesses in trade with the European Union and Ukraine. Small businesses can also receive support from the initiative  between the European Union and Ukraine for SMEs.


The EU-Ukraine agreement improves the competitiveness of European companies on the Ukrainian market and vice versa. Overall, regarding trade in goods, the agreement eliminated the majority of EU tariffs: 98.1% and Ukraine: 99.1%.


Services for the export of products from Italy to Ukraine.

Search for guaranteed buyers for export to Ukraine. This consulting within the scope of its experience and contacts plurtheyear in Ukraine, he has acquired a multi-sector network of contacts that allows him to select guaranteed and reliable potential customers to guarantee Italian companies the possibility of exporting to Ukraine in a guaranteed manner.

International contracts for exporting products to Ukraine.


  • 1) Due Diligence (commercial investigations in Ukraine). Having a real overview of the other contractual party in Ukraine is essential, also to avoid future expenses.

  • 2) Preliminary negotiations with the help of native speakers and Italian/Ukrainian translators:

preliminary agreement and letters of intent between the parties regarding the deal to be concluded. Specifically, conditions, terms and ways of giving and taking with the Ukrainian client.

  • 3) Letters of approval issued by the financial institution of the Ukrainian purchasing party, if necessary.

  • 4) Decision on the clauses to be included in the contract between Italy and Ukraine for foreseeable and unforeseeable cases, including any guarantees.

  • 5) Stipulation of the contract in a legal regime appropriate to the case, with particular reference to guarantees to and from Ukraine in dual language Italian/Ukrainian.


Sales or purchase contract in Ukraine

Commercial agency contract in Ukraine

Distribution contract in Ukraine

Franchise agreement in Ukraine

Supply contract in Ukraine

Commission contract in Ukraine

Counter trade contract in Ukraine

Procurement mediation contract in Ukraine

Trademark licensing agreement in Ukraine

Patent licensing agreement in Ukraine

Copyright Licensing Agreement in Ukraine

Partnership contract in Ukraine

Joint venture contract in Ukraine

Consulting contract in Ukraine

Advertising contract in Ukraine

Commercial lease agreement in Ukraine

Confidentiality and non-competition agreement in Ukraine

Shareholders' agreement in Ukraine

Sold ex seller's warehouse with payment upon loading.

Sale ex buyer's warehouse with bank guarantee or letter of credit.

International insurance.

Recourse consultancy recognition of consultancy to consulting (upon completion of payment by the buyer).

Documents required for sale in Ukraine.

Non-binding Letter of Intent for the sale of products in Ukraine (LOI);

updated catalog of products that you want to export for sale in Ukraine;

indication of terms, discounts and delivery methods in Ukraine;

company card (provided by this consultancy for Ukraine);

any CE/EU mandatory certifications, qualifications or licenses to be presented in Ukraine (to be provided in copy, with stamp and signature of the holder);

various and possible.


Possibility of having a sales space in Ukraine.

For interested companies, the "International law firm for Ukraine LegalGB Law Firm LLC" is in a position to organize sales spaces in every detail in the most important shopping centers in Ukraine.


This consultancy receives proposals by

Due diligence Ukraine.

Access to commercial information (due diligence in Ukraine) is becoming increasingly important to prevent insolvencies and losses on delinquent loans due to fraudulent insolvencies. At the same time we recommend reading the page on anti-fraud in Ukraine

Business intelligence reports allow you to amake use of official databases and information "in the field" in order to outline a clear physiognomy of the company with which we are about to have commercial relations.

By cross-referencing public data  of official databases such as chamber of commerce and directories talking about Ukraine, balance sheets, shareholders, proprietary data of companies carrying out this activity and the analysis of balance sheet data, with particular attention to the related financial solidity indices (obtained from appropriate accounting data from the financial statements), the firm is able to perceive in depth the real "situation" of the company with which it is starting to do business in order to avoid unpaid debts. In summary, commercial information can reveal the reliability, the performance of a company over time with particular attention to development prospects, the recommended commercial credit and the comparison with other companies in the same sector (competitors in the same commercial segment).


The above is amplified exponentially when evaluating import-export commercial activities with foreign countries and especially with Ukraine.


In certain situations, in addition to the above being necessary, since the legal system is different, as are the habits and customs, it is necessary to have a ramification of "real and reliable" knowledge on site.


This firm, recognized for years in Ukraine, has knowledge, collaborations, clientele and generally loyal relationships, therefore, contacts to whom one can address "you" in Ukraine, therefore it is able to boast detailed information in Ukraine, otherwise impossible to be obtained in a different form.


The firm, following the rules also used for criminal proceedings, has set up, using the same channels, a method to be used not only for the criminal law field, but also for civil, commercial and family matters. At a commercial level, preliminary investigations allow for a complete vision of the commercial seriousness, solvency of the customer or business partner, in the case of debt collection and the feasibility of the action regarding the real possibility of recovering the claim.

The cognitive investigation activities are also carried out by this firm  internationally and in Ukraine,  for all the reasons explained above in the fields of family and marriage, civil, commercial and crimes against the person, fiscal and financial.


Anti-fraud and scam service Ukraine, enter the appropriate page







For information and services in Ukraine



Street Velyka Zhytomyrska - Str. 33, office. 310,Kiev (UA), at the Headquarters of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine

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