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Rconstruction in Ukraine.

ConconsultancyAndd global assistance for businesses

for post-war reconstruction in Ukraine.



  • OfficeI forreconstruction Ukraine;

  • Why choose LegalGB Law Firm LLC for consultancy in Ukraine;

  • Services for competing in tenders, subcontracts, orders, assignments, orders for the reconstruction of Ukraine; 

  • The steps of Italian companies to participate in the reconstruction in Ukraine;

  • Services for Italian companies to participate in reconstruction tenders in Ukraine;

  • The importance of having a correspondent truly present in Ukraine;

  • Consultancy and assistance for Italian SMEs to enter the reconstruction business in Ukraine;

  • The numbers of reconstruction in Ukraine;

  • The ProZorro system, for tenders for reconstruction in Ukraine.


Office for Reconstruction in Ukraine.

LegalGB Law Firm LLC, having noted the potential of the economy involving the universe of Ukrainian reconstruction, has decided toinvest your professionalism, experience, authority and contacts in Ukraine, to allow Italian entrepreneurs to take advantage of this unrepeatable opportunity.

Entrepreneurs, including SMEs, who want to compete for win contracts, subcontracts, orders, supplies and everything else from them coming, they have a certain and truly present interlocutor in Ukraine.


Why choose us for consultancy and assistance

in the reconstruction Ukraine.

LegalGB Law Firm LLC for Ukraine is a team of Italian and Ukrainian professionals who have been working exclusively for Italy/Ukraine issues and vice versa for years. Nothing improvised to take advantage of the moment in the reconstruction business in Ukraine.


LegalGB Law Firm LLC is really present in Ukraine.Whoreally there is, there is. Those who are not there leave room for others. Questor it also applies to reconstruction in Ukraine.

Effective presence allows you to follow the objectiveor up close. Every moment is the right one in which a problem, a need, a request can emerge to decide the final result of obtaining the contract, order, etc. Regarding the reconstruction in Ukraine, if you are actually there,at the right time, opportunities arrive. We cannot and must rely on extemporaneous and improvised situations.


LegalGB Law Firm LLC has already been introduced into the economic fabric of Ukraine for years. This meansca know and be known, both in public and private. Therefore, have the trust that is earned only through years of positive relationships.


LegalGB Law Firm LLC acquires clients exclusively by sector, size and geographical area.

We do not create homogeneous groups that form internal competition within the group itself.


LegalGB Law Firm LLC effectively operates in the reconstruction sector in Ukraine.   

Agencies, trade associations and industry groups can assist with strategy, give input and perhaps some advice. In practice, only those who are actually present in Ukraine, live it in its entirety, even in the provinces and, not limited only to the capital and large cities, can act directly towards that possible public or private contractor or client, inquiring on site, visiting them several times to understand the requests and needs, advising him, convincing him, discovering the various needs. 

LegalGB Law Firm LLC knows Ukraine because it is Ukrainian.


Services for competing in tenders, subcontracting, orders, assignments, orders of LegalGB Law Firm LLC, for the reconstruction of Ukraine:

searches for contracts, subcontracts, assignments and orders for reconstruction in Ukraine;

search for customers for reconstruction in Ukraine;

preparation of tenders for obtaining contracts with the ProZorro system, orders and orders for reconstruction in Ukraine;

representation at local authorities and public and private management authorities in Ukraine;

consultancy, assistance and legal protection in Ukraine;

tax consultancy Ukraine;

discovery of orders in Ukraine;

assistance and consultancy for tenders in Ukraine;

opening of branch office in Ukraine;

company incorporation (srl - spa) in Ukraine;

preliminary activity in Ukraine;

opening an international bank account in Ukraine;

stipulates insurance, sureties and protection in Ukraine;

accounting in Ukraine;

obtaining documentary credits in Ukraine;

customs assistance and consultancy for Ukraine;

start of practices in Ukraine;

residence permits in Ukraine;

finding suppliers, professionals, engineers, architects, designers, installers, testers, machinists and experts in Ukraine;

relations with the Public Administration in Ukraine;

incorporation of an LLC in Ukraine for reconstruction and post reconstruction in Ukraine;

administration of companies in Ukraine, according to the internal laws of Ukraine;

opening solvency guarantees of the client in Ukraine;

opening and maintaining banking relationships in Ukraine;

concession, authorizations and licenses in Ukraine;

discovery, management of financing and contributions for reconstruction in Ukraine;

establishment and management of ATI Ukraine (temporary business association in Ukraine);

management of legal relationships and contracts in Ukraine;

temporary importation of machinery and means for reconstruction in Ukraine;

temporary importation and regularization of manpower, including specialized ones, in Ukraine;

business logistics in Ukraine;

marketing in Ukraine;

finding and holding personnel in Ukraine.

Participation in tenders does not guarantee the award of the same.  


The phases of Italian companies to participate in tenders with

ProZorro system for reconstruction in Ukraine.

LegalGB Law Firm LLC constantly follows the entire process to allow SMEs to enter the reconstruction business in Ukraine and, specifically:

  1. Evaluation of the company by type, size, capacity and aptitude for reconstruction in Ukraine;

  2. Framework of the types of tenders, orders and tasks to contribute to the reconstruction in Ukraine;

  3. Contacts with the client for the awarding of reconstruction contracts in Ukraine;

  4. Consultancy and assistance in contracts, for reconstruction in Ukraine;

  5. Regularization of PMI in the Ukrainian state, for reconstruction in Ukraine;

  6. Acquisition of all necessary Ukrainian licenses, for reconstruction in Ukraine;

  7. Ukrainian accounting management, for reconstruction in Ukraine;

  8. Management of export to Ukraine of resources and equipment to operate in Ukrainian reconstruction;

  9. On-site discovery of equipment and manpower, including specialized ones, to carry out the task of reconstructing Ukraine;

  10. Opening of a dual currency Ukrainian current account, for reconstruction in Ukraine;

  11. Continuous support, including linguistic, during the construction of the works during the reconstruction in Ukraine;

  12. Management of collection and payment personnel, including non-Ukrainian personnel, for reconstruction in Ukraine.

 Services to Italian companies for reconstruction in Ukraine.

Following the well-known war aggression of 24 February 2022, Ukraine reported extensive damage to both public and private structures and infrastructures.

Ukraine is already financed, especially by the European Union, for what is in fact a new Marshall plan aimed at the reconstruction of Ukrainian infrastructure and everything damaged.

The most affected area of Ukraine is the East, where the presence of LegalGB Law Firm insists.

The oblasts of Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava, Dnipro, Zaporizia, Chernihiv and Odessa are the most affected by the conflict.

The firm is able to provide support for reconstruction in Ukraine in the construction sectors in Ukraine, in infrastructure restoration, repairs of power lines, energy lines, energy production, technological, industrial, annexes and jobs.

If necessary, the firm directly follows tenders for contracts and subcontracts in Ukraine; finds local manpower or regularizes that coming from abroad; resolves all internal and accounting, customs and integrated Italy/Ukraine bureaucracy. It should not be overlooked that the only valid system for awarding contracts is the ProZorro system. 

The importance of having a correspondent truly present in Ukraine.

The reconstruction of Ukraine, according to the latest forecasts, should amount to 1200 billion dollars and Italy should also be involved in the process, together with the other Western powers, to carry out as many as 850 macro projects in the decade 2023-2032, which in fact, they produce over 30,000 contracts and 500,000 supplies.

For Italian SMEs that want to participate in the reconstruction business in Ukraine, the way forward is to obtain contracts from Ukraine through tenders, after finding appropriate contracts or subcontracts in Ukraine.ated for the size of the company. Needless to say, for Italian SMEs in Ukraine, unlike the direct procurement of orders from private individuals for reconstruction in Ukraine, there are no great possibilities of obtaining assignments, unlike, for example, realities such as multinationals, state-owned companies, who enjoy direct and privileged government channels.  

The ten-year plan for the reconstruction of Ukraine brings with it some good news: it is scheduled to start in 2023, so there would be a belief that the war could end in the coming months, as in fact it is happening.

The Ukrainian prime minister showed the map relating to the division of the territories of Ukraine to be reconstructed between Western nations, officially called "adoption". According to this assignment, Northern Ireland will take care of the Rivne region, Germany will take care of the Chernihiv region, while Canada will take care of the Sumy region. Turkey and the United States will be in Kharkiv, Czechia and Finland in Luhansk, Belgium in the Mykolaiv region, Sweden and the Netherlands in the Kherson region. Switzerland will take care of the Odessa region together with France, Norway the Kirovohrad region, Austria the Zaporizia region and Italy with Poland in the Donbass. The city of Donetsk, which has around 1 million inhabitants with a Russian-speaking majority, has been de facto administered by pro-Russian separatists since 2014.

In Ukraine, regions (oblasts) and cities have strong decision-making autonomy, even for medium-sized contracts. This is important, since it cannot be ruled out that Donbass could soon be a land of peace unlike the others. In fact, in Donbass, as mentioned, a civil war has persisted since 2014 and this is somewhat limiting in carrying out reconstruction. Having said this, it is clear that only contacts with companies actually present in Ukraine can assist in actually obtaining contracts protected through advance payments and international insurance in areas such as Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava, Kremenchuk, Dnipro, Zaporizia, Odessa, etc.LegalGB Law Firm LLC for Ukraine, practices with personalized plans suited to the requests and prerogatives of Italian companies that aspire to participate in the reconstruction business in Ukraine, directly following the company step by step.

This service is associated with those already provided by the Company in Ukraine, which can be found on this website and which are a corollary to the consultancy and assistance.

Consultancy and assistance for Italian SMEs for participation 

in Ukraine athe business of reconstruction in Ukraine.

LegalGB Law Firm LLCfor Ukraine, with demonstrated many years of experience in Ukraine, is located in the center of the Ukrainian state. Based inKiev and Poltava, at the crossroads betweenKharkiv, Dnipro, Sumy, Chernihiv, Zaporizia and Kremenchuk. At the center of a geographical area with an extension equal to Italy.

Due to the effect of what has just been described, given its renowned historical presence in Ukraine, LegalGB Law Firm LLC has established relationships, contacts, reliability and knowledge of the territory in a profound and continuous manner. In fact, the public institutions of Italy and the most representative associations in the sector have always commissioned this firm to be represented in Ukraine with seriousness and results.

In order not to preclude Italian SMEs from entering the Ukrainian business for post-war reconstruction, which inevitably risks being to the advantage only of macro multinational companies, LegalGB Law Firm for Ukraine has also organized itself to seek medium-sized contracts to compete for and subcontracts, which can also be commissioned to small and medium-sized businesses. 

We have reached the point of restoring buildings, infrastructure, the energy network, ports, airports, roads, motorways, network of connections including energy and everything useful for Ukraine's return to normality. The current moment is that of the Ukrainian post-war reconstruction, with the possibility of an enormous and ethical business, for those who will be able to grasp the importance and the opportunity, which can guarantee those is really present in Ukraine!

Construction in Ukraine with its war-torn cities and buildings, together with infrastructure such as roads, highways, bridges, tunnels, aqueducts, gas pipelines, power plants, ports, airports, annexes and connected, need to be restored or reconstructed.

This company has its headquarters in Kiev and Poltava, in the heart of the hot zone of the conflict, resulting in knowledge and authority in all the dynamics connected to it in the world of Ukraine.

The Ucraina is the double that of Italy in terms of extension and with marked internal diversity. True knowledge of the territory of Ukraine, with contacts and mutual familiarity with the internal reality of this state, logically cannot arise overnight or based on improvised and hasty issues. 
LegalGB Law Firm LLC has been the Italian international law firm for Ukraine for years and directed by an Italian, lawyer both in Ukraine and in Italy. This reality has consolidated relationships that are true and direct with the Ukrainians and, indisputably, can guarantee consultancy, representation and support of all reconstruction business activities post-war in Ukraine, in a serious, ethical, protected and profitable manner. All this while guaranteeing the right protection that can derive and be guaranteed only by those who are actually present in Ukraine.


The numbers of reconstruction in Ukraine.

According to the Kiev government, 1,500 schools, 350 hospitals and clinics, 2,000 kilometers of roads and bridges, an unknown number of infrastructures and energy production plants have been destroyed in Ukraine. At the Kyiv School of Economics they calculate that,every week, bring damage for another 100-200 billion dollars, just for bridges and buildings.

Economists estimate that by projecting the interventions adopted for Iraq and Afghanistan onto the Ukrainian case, the reconstruction of Ukraine could cost between 800 and 1200 billion dollars. And, in fact, the prime minister of Kiev put forward the figure of 750 billion dollars, just to repair the damage of the war and restart the country.

Rebuilding Ukraine will be an enormous effort, which will require massive international solidarity, not without some returns: thanks to the exports made possible by the Marshall Plan, American industry continued to work at full capacity even after the war. Now this possibility also belongs to Italy.

Ukraine was already facing west towards Europe, and today it is part of it. The share of its exports to the European Union rose from around 30% in 2014 to 46% in 2020.

It is the European Union that will have to lead this political transition. For the Financial Times, Brussels will have to respond, and is already partially doing so, to what the United States did with the Marshall Plan after the Second World War - that enormous influx of dollars arriving from Washington which helped European countries not only to emerge from the conflict crisis, but also to start a period of growth and prosperity.

In short, enormous immediate aid is destined to increase for Ukraine to manage the social and military costs of the conflict, as well as for rapid and complete reconstruction in collaboration with Western states. As David Frum wrote in the Atlantic, «the economic stimulus would be felt throughout Europe. A strong and prosperous post-war Ukraine would serve as further evidence of the power and appeal of democracy, European integration and open trade."

It is certain that the reconstruction of Ukraine is the largest European reconstruction project since German reunification and the reintegration of East Germany into the Western world in the 1990s. A flow of possibilities in which Italy can and must participate.

The most important attraction for Italian SMEs in Ukraine, which are interested in working on post-war reconstruction in Ukraine, is that of the awarding of so-called medium contracts. Medium contracts (which range from one million euros up to five and, in some sectors, even ten), also give the possibility to companies whose size and organization cannot be compared to multinational companies, to compete to obtain orders and contracts in Ukraine. But at the same time, they allow us to obtain contracts for reconstruction in Ukraine, with higher revenues than other forms of awarding, often obtained at the lowest possible prices.  An ocean of possibilities for reconstruction in Ukraine.

The ProZorro system, for tenders for reconstruction in Ukraine.

First of all, it is necessary to understand what the process is for entering the marketrebuild in Ukraine.

In Ukraine, to streamline procedures and provide appropriate guarantees, there is a special system in place for the awarding of public contracts called ProZorro.

The ProZorro system allows the possibility of submitting applications for public contracts in Ukraine exclusively through bodies authorized by the State of Ukraine. In this regard, the International Law Firm for Ukraine has signed  the agreement with   the Poltava Chamber of Commerce and Industry, aimed at submitting applications for participation in public procurement tenders by Italian entities in Ukraine.

ProZorro is a hybrid electronic open source government e-procurement system, in order to guarantee maximum transparency and fair competition.

For this reason, the "homemade" solutions that were in use until recently  are not taken into account by the legal and procurement system in Ukraine. The adoption of ProZorro is mandatory for all public procurement tenders, including local government authorities and utility companies.

The phases in which the firm offers consultancy in Ukraine:

1)identification dthe contract that the foreign company in Ukraine intends to win through a recommendation from the company itself or through market research by the Firm;

2)due diligence on the cost-effectiveness of the contract for which you intend to compete. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the parties and whether there are risks underlying the deal in Ukraine. It is necessary to have guarantees on the profitability of the contract.

3) Astart of the process. Usually in Ukraine a series of documents proving the curriculum and company solidity are required, for example having completed at least one contract of the same amount. This comes after the pressing disappointments regarding contracts for road maintenance not carried out by Asian contractors, who abandoned the work after having received a reasonable advance;

4)contract proposal to prepare the tender. In this case, if the contract due to its amount or specificity is of high value or requires varied workers, it is advisable to create an "AI" (business association) in Ukraine or, create it in Italy and transfer it to Ukraine;

5)bilingual procurement contract, signed by a lawyer qualified in an Italian court and one in Ukraine and registered by a notary. Being authorized in both states, the firm is able to assist one or both parties;

6)registration of the company (srl or spa in Ukraine) or "AI" business association in Ukraine for contracts whose estimated duration is more than three months, with the opening of a bank account, and the keeping of accounts in Ukraine;

7)support in every area of the tender before the "Central Procurement Commission of Ukraine".

For further clarification, the firm is able to provide extensive information. Legalgb Law Firm LLC is not able to give certainties regarding the awarding of contracts, but it is certainly in a position to put the competitor on a par with its competitors. 


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For information and services in Ukraine



Street Velyka Zhytomyrska - Str. 33, office. 310,Kiev (UA), at the Headquarters of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine

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