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Global consultancy and assistance forthe discovery, the conception, presentation and obtaining of funding for the implementation of projects approved and financed by the European Commission,

for reconstruction in Ukraine.

(TOpproholistic and sustainable approach to urban planning, including through effective innovative solutions to support the rapid reconstruction of destroyed or damaged infrastructure and buildings in Ukraine)

New European Bauhaus for Ukrainena of April 18, 2023.

Presentation of projects to contribute to the reconstruction of Ukraine

and promote sustainable construction skills funded by the European Commission.


In conjunction with participation in procurement in Ukraine with the ProZorro system, there is a chance that on April 18, 2023, the European Commission launched the "new Bauhaus" literallyhouse to build, with the possibility for Ukraine to submit proposals for two types of projects for Ukrainian reconstruction. Projects for the reconstruction of Ukraine, financed by the LIFE programme, are part of the initiative“Phoenix” launched in February by the European Commission.

LIFE is one of the European Commission programs operational since 1992 and is, clearly, the main financial instrument of the European Union dedicated to the environment and climate action. LIFE has co-financed more than 5,500 projects across the EU, mobilizing over 12 billion euros in investments and contributing over 5 billion euros allocated by the European Commission as co-financing.

The LIFE program plays an essential role in supporting the development, implementation and updating of Union policies and legislation on the environment, including those for nature and biodiversity, and on climate action, through the financing of projects of various sizes, which aim to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of effective solutions (techniques, methods and approaches) to different and complex environmental problems and those linked to climate change, as well as aimed at guaranteeing conservation and protection of nature and biodiversity. The LIFE program fully contributes to the objectives and targets of the European Green Deal.

The financial allocation of the programLIFE for the period 2021–2027 is equal to 5432 million euros divided between the four sub-programmes into which it is divided: "Nature and biodiversity", "Circular economy and quality of life", "Mitigation and adaptation to climate change" and "Transition to clean energy".

The projects concern the sectors listed below.

  1. Conservation and restoration of nature,

  2. Water quality and waste management,

  3. Adaptation to climate change,

  4. Climate change mitigation.


The objective of the initiative is to develop and make available to Ukrainian cities cutting-edge skills within the new European Bauhaus community in the field of sustainable and affordable reconstruction. It also intends to connect cities of Ukraine with community cities that share the same principles, to exchange experiences on their path towards climate neutrality and greater energy efficiency.

Support for Ukrainian cities in reconstruction.

Two of the LIFE projects will support cities in Ukraine in identifying and implementing a holistic and sustainable approach to urban planning, including through effective innovative solutions and support for the rapid reconstruction of destroyed or damaged infrastructure and buildings.

They will focus on rebuilding sustainable and circular Ukraine, including waste management, reuse of rubble from damaged or destroyed buildings or management of hazardous waste. They will also cover water treatments, including decontamination, based on maps and strategies already financed by European funds.

The new European Bauhaus is an environmental, economic and cultural project launched by the European Union in 2020. The new European Bauhaus places emphasis on community building and bottom-up approaches to implement the European Green Deal by promoting places, beautiful, sustainable and inclusive products and services.

Just two years after its inception, the new European Bauhaus has now become a movement with an active and growing community, made up of over 1 000 members from a wide range of sectors (e.g. education, construction, fashion) working in all EU Member States and beyond.

Since the beginning of the war of aggression against Ukraine, the community of the new European Bauhaus has shown itself ready to support the Ukrainians, always based on the approach of combining, as far as possible, emergency actions with the most long term of the country.

In Ukraine, the new European Bauhaus works closely with several Ukrainian partners, such as the Covenant of Mayors East, the NGOs Ro3kvit and ReThink and the Council of Architects of Europe.

The Academy of the new European Bauhaus focuses on research and innovation and the skills necessary for the green transition, mainly in the construction sector.

Implementation phases for projects financed by the European Commission in Ukraine.

  1. Idea to implement in Ukraine:arises from comparison with local Ukrainian realities or from entrepreneurial intuition or from the proven need for a specific realization;

  2. Proposalta to the institution in Ukraine. Depending on the sector of the proposing company or ATI (examples, implementation of a separate waste collection and/or renewable energy project, etc. etc.); 

  3. Presentation of the project and obtaining approval from the partyof the competent Ukrainian authorities;

  4. Creation of the community project to be presented to the European Commission for Ukraine;

  5. Presentation of the project for approval to the European Commission;

  6. Obtaining financing, subject to approval for Ukraine, by the European Commission;

  7. Implementation of the project. 

LegalGB Law Firm services for the presentation and implementation of a project for Ukraine.

Reporting of possible projects in Ukraine;

feasibility assessment;

representation at the Ukrainian body for the proposal and actual development of the project;

preparation of the project and presentation for funding to the European Community for Ukraine;

management of corporate and managerial logistics in Ukraine;

representation at local authorities and public and private management authorities in Ukraine;

consultancy, assistance and legal protection in Ukraine;

tax consultancy Ukraine;

opening of branch office in Ukraine;

company formation (srl - spa), if necessary in Ukraine;

administration of companies in Ukraine, according to the internal laws of Ukraine;

preliminary activity in Ukraine;

opening an international bank account in Ukraine;

stipulates insurance, sureties and protection in Ukraine;

accounting in Ukraine;

obtaining documentary credits in Ukraine;

customs assistance and consultancy for Ukraine;

start of practices in Ukraine;

residence permits in Ukraine;

finding suppliers, professionals, engineers, architects, designers,

plant engineers, testers, machinists and experts in Ukraine;

relations with the Public Administration in Ukraine;

opening solvency guarantees of the client in Ukraine;

opening and maintaining banking relationships in Ukraine;

concession, authorizations and licenses in Ukraine;

discovery, management of financing and contributions for reconstruction in Ukraine;

establishment and management of ATI Ukraine (temporary business association in Ukraine);

management of legal relationships and contracts in Ukraine;

temporary importation of machinery and means for reconstruction in Ukraine;

temporary importation and regularization of manpower, including specialized ones, in Ukraine;

business logistics in Ukraine;

marketing in Ukraine;

finding and holding personnel in Ukraine.


LegalGB Law Firm, also for this possibility, has organized itself with the best skills in the sector. LegalGB Law Firm differentiates itself for the reconstruction in Ukraine, as well as for the organization of services, from the preparation of the project to be proposed to the community authorities in charge of the evaluation, to the preventive ability to establish with the receiving entity the public or private project of Ukraine appropriate contacts and contracts for the definitive implementation of the program.

LegalGB Law Firm has actually been present in Ukraine for years.






For information and services in Ukraine



Street Velyka Zhytomyrska - Str. 33, office. 310,Kiev (UA), at the Headquarters of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine

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