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Application of the Tax and Fiscal Code of Ukraine. 

Accounting assistance and consultancy,  fiscal, tax, record keeping

caccounting, domiciliation and obligations in Ukraine. 

The international law firm for Ukraine "legalgb law firm", in order to offer a complete service of pure excellence, makes the following administration and accounting services available to its clients in Ukraine.

Accounting and commercial, tax and fiscal consultancy service with chartered accountants,

tax lawyers and accountants licensed in Ukraine. 

 Corporate accounting for companies and firms in Ukraine:

> accounting management service in Ukraine (general accounting, budget and VAT accounting);

> periodic receipt of accounting documents in Ukraine (purchase and expense documents and any other receipts, sales documents,  documents relating to accounting and financial movements);

> attribution and processing of accounting data with exclusive reference to the documentation received in Ukraine;

> periodic VAT processing and settlement in Ukraine;

> printing and delivery of payment authorization with compensations and integrations with any other taxes in Ukraine;

> collection and forwarding to relevant companies of documents relating to extra- and intra-community relationships with other subjects for the processing of forms in Ukraine (if due);

> periodic printing of mandatory registers and any auxiliary documents in Ukraine;

> preparation of the year-end financial statements complete with the relevant annexes in Ukraine;

> annual update of the inventory book with reporting of the balance sheet and analyzes deemed necessary by the applicant in Ukraine.

Year-end documents management service in Ukraine (financial statements and attachments):

assistance and/or preparation of the end-of-year balance sheet complete with the relevant attachments in Ukraine.


Tax compliance management service in Ukraine:

definition, based on the results of the financial statements and accounting, of the Ukrainian taxes at the time of settlement and related advances in Ukraine;

printing and delivery of the authorization for payment of the above taxes with any compensations and integrations with any other taxes in Ukraine;

preparation and presentation based on the results of financial statements and accounting for limited liability companies (SRL) or SPA in Ukraine;

preparation and presentation based on the results of financial statements and accounting for individual businesses in Ukraine;

preparation and presentation based on the results of the financial statements, accounting and necessary supplementary data provided by the applicant in Ukraine;

preparation and presentation of the VAT form in Ukraine on the basis of the VAT data and the necessary supplementary data provided by the applicant;

definition, based on the results of the VAT data and the declaration, of the VAT tax upon settlement and related advances in Ukraine;

preparation and presentation on the basis of VAT data, of VAT communication in Ukraine;

preparation and presentation based on data, customer and supplier lists in Ukraine.

Payroll management service in Ukraine.

opening insurance positions and ordinary relationships with social security, welfare and labor institutions in Ukraine;

hiring/terminations in Ukraine;

complaint for hiring/termination in Ukraine;

investigation and drafting of payslips and monthly summaries in Ukraine.

Corporate and secretarial deed management service in Ukraine:

keeping and updating shareholders' register in Ukraine;

keeping and updating the meeting book in Ukraine;

keeping and updating the book of the board of directors, i.e. admin. sole king in Ukraine;

updating company books (including inventory book) with printing of documents relating to the preparation and approval of the annual budget in Ukraine;

annual budget presentation in Ukraine;

keeping and updating meeting and board of directors books in Ukraine;

annual budget presentation in Ukraine;

preparation, purchase and initial endorsement of company and/or accounting/tax books in Ukraine;

assistance for notarial/public deeds and contracts in Ukraine.

Tax consultancy services with accountants in Ukraine:

  • tax consultancy services for companies based in Ukraine to choose the favorable tax regime in relation to each type of business (income tax / profit tax) in Ukraine;

  • tax consultancy services for companies based in Ukraine to choose the most favorable regime for each type of VAT with regard to the activity carried out internally, intra-community or extra-community in compliance with the provisions of the Tax Code.

  • tax consultancy services for foreign commercial companies, for the opening of branches, branches, permanent offices or representations in Ukraine.

  • Tax consultancy services for foreign business companies for the appointment of a tax representative for all activities carried out in Ukraine;

  • Tax consultancy in Ukraine, regarding:

- Value added tax,

- Income tax,
– profit tax,

– Local taxes and duties,

– Tax on income of non-residents,

– dividends,

– withholding tax,

– reinvested profit,

– increase or reduction of the share capital,

– avoid double taxation.

Comprehensive  staffing services in Ukraine:

  • draw up individual employment contracts under Ukrainian law,

  • draw up additional documents to the Ukrainian individual employment contract,

  • process  termination decisions on individual employment contracts in Ukraine,

  • develop the regulations of internal order in Ukraine,

  • draft the Ukrainian collective labor agreement;


Assistance services to the control of the authorities in Ukraine:

  • legal assistance in checks carried out during VAT (value added tax) refunds in Ukraine;

  • legal assistance in checks by authorities, developing legal opinions and objections to inspection reports in Ukraine;

  • we offer services of accounting expertise (party experts) in the framework of judicial accounting expertise in Ukraine.

Administrative and tax litigation consultancy services in Ukraine:

  • legal consultancy, tax and financial consultancy in relation to the Territorial Financial Administration and the Tax Police of Ukraine.


Processing actions in administrative litigation in Ukraine:

  • process objections to contravention reports (fines in Ukraine);

  • process disputes against tax returns in Ukraine;

  • process complaints against tax inspection minutes or reports which include fines, residual debts, increases, penalties, recalculation, VAT, taxes with or without withholding tax in Ukraine;

  • process complaints against the acts of local public administration or tax control bodies in Ukraine;

 Representing the client in Ukraine:

  • representing Ukrainian or foreign legal entities in administrative and tax disputes in Ukraine;

  • represent administrative or judicial procedures for challenging control acts in the field of taxes and duties in Ukraine.






For information and services in Ukraine



Street Velyka Zhytomyrska - Str. 33, office. 310,Kiev (UA), at the Headquarters of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine

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