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Establishment, registration and organization of non-commercial entities,

associations and foundations in Ukraine.

The firm provides legal services for the establishment of non-commercial entities (associations) in Ukraine and specifically:

• consultation on the process and procedure of charity organization registration, risks and important aspects of non-profit activity in Ukraine;
• drafting and preparation
action of the documents necessary for the establishment of the non-profit organization including deed of incorporation and statute;
• registration with state authorities;
• obtaining the stamp. In Ukraine the stamp is essential and intervention for the opening of the Ukrainian bank account;
• obtaining non-profit status from the Ukrainian tax authorities;
• tax consultancy on activities in Ukraine;
• the legalization of the international or foreign charitable organization in Ukraine;
• assistance, mediation and resolution of legal disputes in Ukraine;

• adaptation to legislation and organization of non-commercial activity in Ukraine.

A charitable organization in Ukraine is a legal entity under private law. The constituent documents of which define non-profit activity in one or more spheres as the main non-exclusive objective of its activity.  The Ukrainian regime is similar to the Italian one (art. 36/38 Civil Code in force). 

The procedure of legalization of non-profit activity in Ukraine and obtaining the status of non-commercial organization  is governed by the Ukrainian Civil Code and the Ukrainian Law «On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations».

Individuals and legal entities, with the exception of non-territorial public bodies, and local authorities can  founder of associative organizations in Ukraine. 

The associations  and charitable foundations in Ukraine can include in their team (in addition to the founders) other participants who have joined in the manner prescribed by the statute drawn up at the time of signing.

 According to the law of Ukraine, the charitable organization is exempt from taxation for VAT, income tax and corporate tax.

All funds received by a non-profit organization used for charitable purposes are exempt from taxation in Ukraine. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine is the registration authority for the establishment of associations.
Legalization is necessary for international or foreign charitable organization to carry out activities in Ukraine. 

Registration deadline approximately five working days.

To summarize: the Firm regarding what has been stated on the point   of the establishment of associations in Ukraine, has a broad knowledge of the relevant law in Ukraine and is authorized in Ukraine to exercise all rights of clients before all courts and courts of appeal. If necessary, the firm can present requests, appeals, produce documents and certificates, validate registers, register individuals, partnerships and applications.  The Firm also has the right to extract, forward and request certificates and copies on the socioeconomic status of any public or private entity in Ukraine.  

If necessary, the firm is able to follow the accounting and follow up on all tax obligations with expert accountants regularly authorized in Ukraine with proven experience and professionalism. 

The firm can also submit applications for financing and subsidized contributions for Ukraine.






For information and services in Ukraine



Street Velyka Zhytomyrska - Str. 33, office. 310,Kiev (UA), at the Headquarters of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine

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