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LegalGB Law Firm LLC

The international law firm specializing in relations between two foreign states and Ukraine differs from national ones as it follows the entire process. The practice begins in Italy, takes place in Ukraine with implications, for example, in Italy and must have its effects in Italy and Ukraine. In other words, the international law firm does not limit itself to providing a service only in Ukraine, Italy, EU or USA, leaving the client at the mercy of events or forced to appoint additional professionals to enforce the effects in all the nations involved, but follows and defends it in several states.

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Registration link at the Single Register of Lawyers of Ukraine, Italy and the AIA Criminal Court of the director of LegalGb Law Firm LLC

Legal notices

"LegalGB Law Firm LLC"

Register of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine n° 43348554 

(Director: lawyer Graziano BENEDETTO,registration with the Bar Association of the Court of Foggia n° 3059;

registration in the Single National Register of Lawyers of Ukraine, Bar Association of the Poltava region, decision no. 65 of 16 May 2018 of the Disciplinary Commissionthe Bar Association of the city of Kyiv).


Privacy Policy 

This website uses cookies

Gent. User, pursuant to article 13 of EU Reg. 679/2016 (hereinafter, “GDPR”) relating to the protection of personal data, as well as by virtue of the provisions of 8 May 2014 and 5 June 2015 adopted by The Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data regarding cookies, LegalGB Law Firm LLC (hereinafter, “LegalGB”) provides in a clear and transparent manner information relating to the use and management of cookies installed on the website and the its subdomains.  Thissite may contain links or references for access to other websites. LegalGB does not control the cookies / tracking technologies of other websites to which this Cookie Policy does not apply. Therefore, if you were to access other sites, we invite you to consult the relevant cookie policies. This Cookie Policy was updated on 06/12/2021. Any updates will always be published on this page.

 Data controller and contact details

Personal data will be processed by LegalGB Law Firm LLC (hereinafter, “LegalGB”) with registered office in strett. Golovka 14/11, 36004, Poltava - Ukraine as Data Controller.

 The Data Protection Officer (DPO) and his contact details LegalGB has decided to use a Data Protection Officer. Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be reached at the email address


 General information

Cookies are small text strings (generally made up of letters and numbers) that allow a site to recognize a particular device or browser; in fact, these text files are sent from a website to the browser used by the user for browsing, are subsequently stored on his device (e.g. computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) and re-transmitted to the same site during the next visit to the site. 'user.


There are different types of cookies, which express different characteristics and which can be classified as:

session cookies, deleted immediately when the browser is closed;

persistent cookies, which remain within the device and continue to operate even after the browser is closed and until a certain period of time has elapsed;

first-party cookies: these are cookies generated and managed by the owner of the site the user is browsing;

third-party cookies: these are cookies managed by a third party other than the owner of the site the user is browsing. The owner of the site on which the user browses is not able to exercise specific control over these cookies. To obtain information on their characteristics and methods of operation, it is necessary to consult the cookie policy provided by the third parties. The use of third-party cookies can normally be inhibited by the user also through the appropriate option present in their browser. For this reason we invite you to consult the instructions in the "cookie management" section.

Cookies can be traced back to three functional macro-categories:

technical cookies, analytical cookies and profiling cookies.    


technical cookies are generally necessary for the correct functioning of the website and to allow navigation; without them the navigator may not be able to correctly view the pages or use some services. For example, a technical cookie is essential to keep the user connected throughout the visit to a website, or to memorize language settings, display settings and so on. For the purposes of installing and using technical cookies, the consent of the interested party is not required.

These cookies can be distinguished into:

- navigation or session cookies (they guarantee normal navigation and use of the website);

- functionality cookies (they allow the user to navigate according to a series of selected criteria - e.g. language setting - in order to improve the service provided).


analytical cookies.  They are cookies used to collect and analyze traffic and use of the site. These cookies, without identifying the user, allow, for example, to detect if the same user returns to connect at different times. They also allow you to monitor the system and improve its performance and usability. Deactivating these cookies can be done without any loss of functionality. If used anonymously, without allowing cross-referencing with data already in possession, and to collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and how they visit the site, they are assimilated to technical cookies. In the latter case, the consent of the interested party is not required. 

profiling cookies. They are cookies used to identify and track the preferences expressed by the user when browsing the internet, allowing for example the sending of targeted advertising messages. They are used to create profiles relating to the user and are used to send advertising messages consistent with the preferences expressed by the user when browsing the internet. The installation and use of these types requires the consent of the interested party.

Use of cookies on:


LegalGB domains use:


- technical cookies aimed at guaranteeing the correct use of the contents of the site;  - -  - third-party analytical cookies (Google Analytics, etc.) for analysis of the behavior of navigators on the site itself and cookies relating to social plugins.


For ease of consultation, these cookies have been divided into categories, depending on the purpose they intend to fulfill.

Other types of cookies or similar tools used by Google Analytics (Google Inc.)

This is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google uses these cookies to analyze your behavior in using the site, to create reports on activities on the site for site managers and to provide further services related to the use of the site and the web. Google may use Personal Data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its advertising network. The data collected using Google cookies may be transferred outside the European Union and precisely to the United States of America by virtue of the Privacy Shield which regulates the relevant data transfer. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy – Opt Out. Subject adhering to the Privacy Shield. More details on this cookie can be obtained by consulting the website

 Communication and dissemination of data

The data collected using cookies may be processed by employees and collaborators of LegalGB or collaborators as persons authorized to process or system administrators. These data may also be processed by companies we trust that carry out technical and organizational tasks on our behalf. These direct collaborating companies will carry out the function of Data Controller pursuant to art. 28 of the GDPR. The updated list of Data Processors is available at the headquarters of the Data Controller. The data will not be disclosed.

Cookie management

The user can block or delete (in whole or in part) cookies also through the specific functions of their browser: however, in the event that all or some of the aforementioned technical cookies are disabled it is possible that the site may not be consultable or that some services or certain functions of the site are not available or do not work properly and/or the user may be forced to change or manually enter certain information or preferences each time he visits the site. For more information on how to set preferences on the use of cookies through your browser, you can consult the relevant instructions:

Internet Explorer










For information and services in Ukraine



Street Velyka Zhytomyrska - Str. 33, office. 310,Kiev (UA), at the Headquarters of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine

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© 2021 LegalGB Law Firm LLC - director Graziano Benedetto 

Legal notes and privacy information



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