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Reconstruction in Ukraine.

Public and private procurement and subcontracting in Ukraine.

Support for Italian companies to participate and win contracts in Ukraine

also in the context of reconstruction in Ukraine.

Consultancy and assistance in the awarding of public tenders with the ProZorro system, as part of reconstruction in Ukraine. 

In Ukraine it is possible to compete and win both public and private contracts and subcontracts in the field of reconstruction in Ukraine. For public procurement, the only recognized system in Ukraine is the ProZorro system. 

In Ukraine, to streamline procedures and provide appropriate guarantees, a special system for the evaluation of public procurement called ProZorro is in place.

As regards the topic sspecific aspect of the reconstruction in Ukraine, we recommend reading the relevant page by entering from here

The ProZorro system, for procurement in Ukraine.

The ProZorro system allows the possibility of submitting applications for public contracts in Ukraine exclusively through bodies authorized by the State of Ukraine. In this regard, the international law firm for Ukraine LegalGB Law Firm LLC has signed  agreement no. 24.14-02/392 (📎) with  the Poltava Chamber of Commerce and Industry, aimed at submitting applications for participation in public tenders by Italian entities in Ukraine. ProZorro is a hybrid electronic open source government e-procurement system, in order to guarantee maximum transparency and fair competition.

For this reason, the "homemade" solutions that were in use until recently  are not taken into account by the legal and procurement system in Ukraine. The adoption of ProZorro is mandatory for all public procurement tenders, including local government authorities and utility companies.

The phases in which the firm offers consultancy in Ukraine:

1)identification of the contract that the foreign company in Ukraine intends to win through a recommendation from the company itself or through market research by the Firm;

2)due diligence on the type of contract for which you intend to compete. It is essential to have a clear picture of the parties and whether there are risks underlying the deal in Ukraine;

3)start of the process. Usually in Ukraine a series of documents proving the curriculum and company solidity are required, for example having completed at least one contract of the same amount. This comes after the pressing disappointments regarding contracts for road maintenance not carried out by Asian contractors, who abandoned the work after having received a reasonable advance;

4)contract proposal for tender. In this case, if the contract due to its amount or specificity is of high value or requires varied workers, it is advisable to create an "AI" (business association) in Ukraine or, create it in Italy and transfer it to Ukraine;

5)bilingual procurement contract, signed by a lawyer qualified in an Italian court and one in Ukraine and registered by a notary. Being authorized in both states, the firm is able to assist one or both parties;

6)registration of the company (srl or spa in Ukraine) or "AI" business association in Ukraine for contracts whose estimated duration is more than three months, with the opening of a bank account, and the keeping of accounts in Ukraine;

7)support in every area of the tender before the "Central Procurement Commission of Ukraine".


The firm has been assisting contractors for years whose clients include public bodies such as the Ukrainian state, Ukrainian oblasts such as Poltava, Kyiv, Kharkiv, municipalities such as Poltava, Odessa, Lviv and important private entities.  

Contracts for reconstruction procurement in Ukraine:

  • Procurement Contract in Ukraine

  • Subcontracting contract in Ukraine

  • Joint Venture Contract for Procurement

  • Consortium Contract for Procurement, Temporary Business Association for Joint Venture Procurement, Consortium, Association (JVCA)

  • Contracts in Ukraine

  • Supply Contracts in Ukraine

  • Construction Contracts in Ukraine

  • Installation Contracts in Ukraine

  • O&M contracts in Ukraine

  • Support Contracts between Project Companies and Sponsors in Ukraine

  • Contracts for the execution of public works in Ukraine

  • Contracts for Operation and Maintenance of Public Utility Projects (power plants, factories, aqueducts, sewerage systems) Ukraine 

  • Contracts for the Organization of Tourist and Industrial Installations in Ukraine

  • Contracts for the Supply of Specialized Technical Services in Ukraine

  • Bid Bond (Caution) in Ukraine

  • Payment Bond in Ukraine

  • Performance Bond  (Caution de Bonne Esecution) in Ukraine

  • Advance Payment Bond 

  • Repayment Bondin Ukraine

  • Supply Contract Bond in Ukraine

  • Guarantee for Down Payment in Ukraine

  • Retention Money Bond in Ukraine

  • Maintenance Bond in Ukraine

  • Labor Bond in Ukraine

  • Material Bond in Ukraine

  • Contract Bond in Ukraine

  • General Procurement Notice (GPN) in Ukraine

  • Specific Procurement Notice (SPN) in Ukraine

  • International Competitive Bidding (ICB) in Ukraine

  • National Competitive Bidding (NCB) in Ukraine

  • Limited International Bidding (LIB) in Ukraine

  • Instructions to Bidder (ITC) in Ukraine

  • Bidding Data Sheet (BDS) in Ukraine

  • Technical Specifications/Requirements in Ukraine

  • General Conditions Of Contract (GCC) in Ukraine

  • General Contractual Conditions in Ukraine

  • Specific Conditions Of Contract (SCC) in Ukraine

  • Special Contractual Conditions in Ukraine

  • Proper Performance Guarantee in Ukraine

  • Opera variations in Ukraine

  • Provisional Acceptance Certificate in Ukraine

  • Final Acceptance Certificate in Ukraine

  • Letter of Acceptance in Ukraine

  • Letter of Tender in Ukraine

  • Contract Start Up in Ukraine

  • Standard Method of Measurement (SMM) in Ukraine

  • General Offer in Ukraine

  • Limited offer in Ukraine

Legalgb Law Firm LLC is not able to give certainties regarding the award of contracts, but it is certainly in a position to put the competitor on a par with any competitor. 






For information and services in Ukraine



Street Velyka Zhytomyrska - Str. 33, office. 310,Kiev (UA), at the Headquarters of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine

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