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Business in a foreign country like Ukraine is best achieved only with the help of consultants who are actually present in Ukraine, serious, honest and trained. 

The firm offers comprehensive consultancy in the acquisition and development process of companies and businesses in Ukraine and specifically:

• opening VAT number and tax code in Ukraine;

• search for assets for the purpose of acquisition or investment in Ukraine;
• company registration in Ukraine;
• due diligence, anti-fraud and risk assessment in Ukraine;
• legal support and consultancy for the asset acquisition process in Ukraine;

• support in finding suppliers, business partners and customers in Ukraine;

• on-site logistics (rentals, freight, labor, accounting, business start-up) in Ukraine;
• tax, taxation and business planning in Ukraine.

Non-Ukrainian citizens and companies can purchase any types of property in Ukraine:

• purchase of land in Ukraine;
• real estate in Ukraine;
• stocks and shares in Ukraine;
• companies and businesses in Ukraine;
• intellectual property in Ukraine.

Foreign citizens and businesses have the right to establish/establish businesses in Ukraine on a par with Ukrainians and without any restrictions.

The international law firm for Ukraine "legalgb law firm LLC", in order to offer a complete service of pure excellence, makes the following administration and accounting services available to its clients in Ukraine.


Corporate accounting for companies and firms in Ukraine:

accounting management service in Ukraine (general accounting, budget and VAT accounting);

periodic receipt of accounting documents in Ukraine (purchase and expense documents and any other receipts, sales documents, documents relating to accounting and financial movements);

attribution and processing of accounting data with exclusive reference to the documentation received in Ukraine;

periodic VAT processing and settlement in Ukraine;

printing and delivery of payment authorization with compensations and integrations with any other taxes in Ukraine;

collection and forwarding to relevant companies of documents relating to extra- and intra-community relationships with other subjects for the processing of forms in Ukraine (if due);

periodic printing of mandatory registers and any auxiliary documents in Ukraine;

preparation of the year-end financial statements complete with the relevant annexes in Ukraine;

annual update of the inventory book with reporting of the balance sheet and analyzes deemed necessary by the applicant in Ukraine.


If necessary, the firm also offers legal consultancy among its consultancy activities

in Ukraine, with defense in civil, commercial and administrative cases ahead of everyone

the courts and appellate courts of the Republic of Ukraine. 

The firm has many years of experience in civil cases of breach of contractle in Ukraine in favor of clients and against the public administration and private individuals, including foreigners, who have operated in Ukraine. 

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Consulting for Italian companies in Ukraine.

Assistance to businesses in the legal, import and export, commercial, accounting, tax, development, business logistics, credit protection, anti-fraud, banking and customer research fields in Ukraine.


Economic environment in Ukraine.

LForeign investors' interest in Ukraine has increased significantly in recent times.

This is no wonder when you have to consider the following factors:

• proximity to the European Union and the Middle East as one of the most important and expanding markets;
• great agricultural, industrial and strongly increasing tourism potential;
• rapidly growing information technology (IT) sector;
• economic and commercial integration with the European Union;

• investment by the European Community, with the contribution of contributions aimed at Ukrainian infrastructure;
• labor with highly competitive costs;
• high level of education;
• satisfactory transport infrastructure.

Such spheres of economy as agriculture, information technology, food industry, construction and light industry are demonstrating excellent growth performance. The Ukrainian economy has overcome the heavy crisis caused by armed conflicts in the south-eastern part of the country. At the same time, devaluation of the local currency especially in the period 2014-2015 made Ukraine  more  highly competitive. In 2016, for the first time since 2010, the economy grew by more than 2%. According to World Bank statement, budget growth is at 3.5% in 2018 and is expected to rise for 2019.

The fastest developing and most attractive economic branches for investments in Ukraine are:

• agriculture and related spheres (trade, agricultural machinery, fertilizers and arable crops, logistics and consultancy services);
• information and communication technology (in particular software development);
• construction and real estate;
• alternative sources of energy;
• food branch production.

 The simplification of licensing procedures, business registration and taxation has made investing in Ukraine  easy, profitable and less risky.

Sale of products in Ukraine.

There are various solutions to propose your product or your company through this Studio:

  • consultancy aimed at understanding solutions to penetrate the Ukrainian market.

  •  Organization and assistance in the presentation of products at trade fairs in the main Ukrainian cities (Kiev, Kharkiv, Liviv, Odessa, Poltava, Chernoschy, etc.), with turnkey service, the Studio taking care of everything including invitations Buyer.

  • Take on a "direct mandate" to represent you, advertise, propose, distribute and resolve any needs directly;

  •  represent you at an ad hoc ex novo office created in Ukraine.

  • Establish your company under Ukrainian law, 100% foreign capital, with Ukrainian personnel selection included to make you operational in 30 days.

  • Establish your company under Ukrainian law with 100% foreign capital, with the leasing or acquisition of a selected foreign headquarters, arranging all the necessary legal and administrative obligations, including the selection of Ukrainian personnel, to make the client autonomous and operational in the shortest time possible.

  • If you are already operating in the Ukrainian market or are about to operate or meet Ukrainian buyers and sellers, the firm can assist you not only with consultancy, but also with an office with an equipped, comfortable meeting room in the center of Kiev at the Committee of the Ukrainian International Chamber of Commerce with presence of hostesses and interpreters. 

  • Select interpreters, secretaries, sales directors, representatives, sector agents of the most varied product types.

  • Open “show rooms” with a targeted and planned investment to represent your company or product.

  • Preparation in Ukraine of catalogues, brochures and any advertising method (bilingual if necessary) with Ukrainian professionals who offer a quality ratio  and highly competitive price.

Export products to Ukraine, enter the appropriate page here!

To summarize: the Firm regarding what has been stated on the point  of consultancy to foreign companies, has a broad knowledge of the relevant law in Ukraine, both community and common law, and is authorized in Ukraine to exercise all the rights of clients before all courts and courts of appeal. If necessary, the firm can present requests, appeals, produce documents and certificates, validate registers, register individuals, partnerships and applications.  The Firm also has the right to extract, forward and request certificates and copies on the socioeconomic status of any public or private entity.  

As explained above, the firm provides services for:
• purchase, establish or internationalize a company in Ukraine;
• seek ways to penetrate the Ukrainian market for goods and/or services;
• go and found a new company in Ukraine or relocate an Italian one;
• acquisition of assets or property in Ukraine;

• civil and commercial cases in Ukraine, in the event of non-compliance by the counterparty for the protection of the firm's client;
• implement the activity in Ukraine.

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For information and services in Ukraine



Street Velyka Zhytomyrska - Str. 33, office. 310,Kiev (UA), at the Headquarters of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine

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© 2021 LegalGB Law Firm LLC - director Graziano Benedetto 

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