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Collaboration, coaching, support and domiciliation for the professional in Ukraine.

 The professional for professionals in Ukraine.  

I'm alwaysThere are more professionals in Ukraine who have procedural, accounting, registration, bureaucratic, information, banking and document access or retrieval needs in Ukraine. Lawyers, accountants, consultants and experts very often today find themselves in the situation of having professional interests in Ukraine for their clients. 

The firm specializing in law, accounting and services to individuals and businesses in Ukraine represents the point of support and consultancy for non-Ukrainian professionals for those with interests in this state.

This structure, for example, is able to provide from the mere replacement of the lawyer judgment, to the sharing or support of the defense for the non-Ukrainian lawyer for the client with problems to be resolved or connected to Ukraine, such as a civil judgment, administrative, tax or criminal. It is common practice that the lawyer appointed abroad is obviously not authorized in Ukraine due to lack of ius postulandi, nor does he know the language or have the possibility of easily accessing the Ukrainian offices. Therefore, this firm is able to fill this gap with the acquisition, if necessary, of joint and separate co-defense. Or, if necessary, provide the customer with a certified accountant in Ukraine. The firm has professionals regularly authorized to sign any document or accounting document. Likewise, the firm has in its staff people who can, with competence, assume the legal qualification of director and administrator of companies governed by law  Ukrainian. 

If necessary, the firm is able to provide surveys, maps, documents, carry out inspections and issue due diligence.

 Also, the firm evaluates the needs, solves the needs of necessary spaces in the new local market where to immediately elect  your professional domicile.

The firm has been assisting  professionals or investors respecting the fundamental points: professionalism, costs and visibility.
The firm is able to provide a location for business meetings in Ukraine, in order to provide professionalism to every area of the business right from the start. 
The firm offers a representative office in Kiev, near the offices of embassies, ministries and the most important Italian and foreign companies with a whole range of highly qualified professionals such as: accountants, interpreters, translators and notaries. 
The firm offers, if necessary, different types of domiciliation  legal depending on the specific needs of the patient.

The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, in order to combat illegal practices in the legal profession, has published the electronic list of all Ukrainian and foreign lawyers authorized to practice law in Ukraine. Consultation is easy and intuitive and the system accepts Latin writing characters. On this point we recommend visiting the page of this site "Really present in Ukraine". 

Mind you, in Ukraine the figure of compulsory technical defense has been introduced like in Italy. Therefore, the various prosecutors, jurists and consultants who practiced in Ukraine until recently have, since January 1, 2019, no right to bring actions before the Ukrainian courts. Only one exemption has been granted for those individuals who on the date indicated are completing the process for legal qualification and therefore in the process of completing registration in a regional register of lawyers in Ukraine. In these cases the exemption is 31 December 2019. 

This is stated, in order to avoid subjects who guarantee services while not being able to actually provide them, with increased costs and professional incapacity. 

The firm offers help and consultancy in every aspect for professionals who have needs in Ukraine.  






For information and services in Ukraine



Street Velyka Zhytomyrska - Str. 33, office. 310,Kiev (UA), at the Headquarters of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine

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