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Residence permit in Ukraine.

Obtaining authorization to reside for Italians in Ukraine. 

The international law firm for Ukraine legalgb law firm LLC is in a position to manage the obtaining of the residence permit in Ukraine. All with maximum protection and in full compliance with Ukrainian, Italian and comparative legislation. The patients are looked after in a professional manner and with subsequent protection. 

According to Ukrainian legislation, foreign citizens who intend to reside in Ukraine for a period exceeding 90 out of 180 days are obliged to request authorization for prolonged residence, a right and duty comparable to the European residence permit. Term of permit to reside in Ukraine,  temporarily, lasts up to a maximum of 3 years and the duration is linked to the reasons for which it is issued. For example, the period of the employment contract. The right/duty of the authorization to reside in Ukraine is renewable, at the same time it is revocable in the event of the intrinsic reasons for the issue lapsing. The residence permit is issued by the immigration service competent for the territory and can be regulated by bilateral treaties between states.

Obtaining an extended residence permit in Ukraine is not officially communicated to the consulate of the country of origin of the immigrant in Ukraine, therefore one is not registered, if necessary, with the AIRE (Registry of Italians residing abroad).  

The following categories of foreigners and stateless persons have the right/duty to obtain a residence permit in Ukraine:

volunteers who are invited by non-profit organizations, international or Ukrainian NGOs;

people who have work permits in Ukraine;

scientists and cultural workers whose immigration corresponds to the interests of Ukraine;

specialists and skilled workers, necessary for the economy of Ukraine;

foreigners who are founders, shareholders, directors of a legal entity registered in Ukraine and who wish to come to Ukraine;

investors of at least €100,000 euros in Ukraine on entrepreneurial activities (personal and family real estate investments are excluded, with exceptions);

ascendant and collateral people of Ukrainians;

persons who have enjoyed Ukrainian citizenship then renounced it (not revoked);

if the spouse is Ukrainian with an uninterrupted marriage lasting more than two years;

persons who are entitled to citizenship of Ukraine by territorial origin;

people of clear international fame whose immigration to Ukraine is of national interest.


A note not to be overlooked about “easy” residence permits in Ukraine: the Ukrainian internal authorities, in order to deal with apparent or fictitious activities and to avoid money laundering, imports of unwanted and criminal subjects, has decided to deal with obtaining "easy" permits and is increasingly monitoring, with related expulsions, all activities linked to residence permits in Ukraine obtained in incomplete compliance with legislation and bilateral and international agreements. Bearing in mind that the electronic business register, imported from the Italian chambers of commerce system, is being activated. Furthermore, Ukraine has joined the INTERPOL international registry.

In the event of a communicated revocation of the permit in Ukraine, the international treaties in the sector apply, primarily those of the AIA, with bilateral jurisdiction between Ukraine and Italy.  

The firm, authorized to practice in Italy and Ukraine, is able to follow up in a professional manner any denials or revocations of residence permits in Ukraine.

Further services offered by the firm to Italian individuals and companies,

of the Eurozone and foreign countries in Ukraine.

International law firm for Ukraine "legalgb law firm" «Benedetto & Partners», with offices in Kiev, Karkiv and Poltava Ukraine, as well as Rome in Italy, offers a full range of consultancy and legal services for foreigners in this State. 

The firm provides the following services to Italian individuals and companies:

legal consultancy (civil, family, criminal, administrative, tax, third sector, commercial and corporate law).

Obtaining Ukrainian tax number (taxpayer identification code); without the code it is not possible to carry out any type of economic activity and acquire property. Required documents: copy of passport (translated into Ukrainian) and  special power of attorney.

Work permit (all foreigners must receive it to have the right to work in a company/enterprise in Ukraine; the work permit gives the possibility of obtaining a residence permit).

Residence permit aimed at staying in Ukraine for more than 90 days foreigners, must be obtained from the Ukrainian Migration Service.

Property purchase support (requires qualified legal support if you decide to purchase or rent any type of property).

Consultancy and support for Italian entrepreneurs (in any phase and sphere of activity: trade, agriculture, production, energy, information technology, IT, import and export operations).

Litigation and mediation (lawyer service in the sectors: civil, family, administrative, commercial law; adoption, divorce, custody and maintenance of children).

To summarize: in relation to the above, the firm has extensive knowledge of the relevant law in Ukraine and is authorized in Ukraine  to exercise all rights of clients before all courts and tribunals of appeal. If necessary, the firm can present requests, appeals, produce documents and certificates, validate registers, register individuals, partnerships and applications.  The Firm also has the right to extract, forward and request certificates and copies on the socioeconomic status of any public or private entity.  

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